Cloud Storage Or Physical Storage

Cloud storage is accessible from anywhere in the world where there is a network connection. This implies both the advantage of the cloud and the dependence on the quality of the communication channel. If the communication channel is unstable, this is the main threat to the usability of cloud storage. In the near future, cloud services will not completely replace local data processing, however, every year we will see an increase in the share of remote storage of files and data.

How secure is cloud storage?

It is worth distinguishing “clouds” for remote data storage according to their characteristics and properties. They can be both public with a low level of security, and private, which are mainly used by corporate clients. Secure clouds use a complex set of organizational and technical measures. The vaults are located behind a firewall, encryption is applied between all components, multiple copies and versions are kept, and customer data is protected by highly secure disk mirroring with validation validation software.

For high disaster tolerance, at the request of the customer, a storage system can be used in which one half is located in one Tier 3 level data center, and the second at a distance of 20 km in another Tier 3 level data center, while both halves work synchronously as a single structure.

Summing up, we can say that large cloud providers can choose a solution that exactly meets the needs of the client in terms of security.

How to increase the security of your data when stored in the cloud?

Users can transfer information to the cloud in encrypted form or in a password-protected archive. It is worth remembering that the encryption key should also be kept safe and not lost. To access the cloud, it is recommended to use two-factor authentication and, of course, choose a reliable cloud provider.

Cloud storage services are provided, as a rule, by large companies with serious IT and information security competencies, then security is provided by them, if not at the highest, then at a fairly adequate level. Therefore, for example, cloud storage of the 1c database, and especially as a backup, will protect your critical business data from the threat of loss due to force majeure or the actions of intruders.

This is especially true due to the growing number of ransomware attacks. Ransomware viruses have become a multimillion-dollar and profitable business for attackers, and there is no reason to hope for an early cessation of attacks. We recommend simple and obvious preventive measures that can be used today:

  • Beware of phishing emails. It is difficult for ordinary users to explain all the dangers of documents obtained from unverified sources. A possible solution is anti-spam protection with anti-virus checking.
  • Regular backups on an external remote storage device or in the cloud.
  • Prompt updating of anti-virus software and protection systems.

Paying a ransom to ransomware does not guarantee that you will receive fully decrypted files. Instead, ransomware often either no longer communicates without fulfilling promises, or demand a second ransom.

Thus, remote storage of important data in the cloud is not only safe with the proper level of provider competencies, but also necessary in order to protect against modern cyber threats.

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