Xero Developer Account: Sign up: Create a Xero Developer account by visiting the Xero Developer Portal. Create a new app: Once logged in, go to the “My Apps” section and create a new app. Fill in the required details such as the app name, company information, and redirect URI. Set Up OAuth 2.0: Create OAuth 2.0 credentials: Xero uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication. Set up your app’s OAuth 2.0 credentials (Client ID and Client Secret) in the Xero Developer Portal. Define Scopes: Define the scopes that your app requires. Scopes determine the level of access your app has to a user’s Xero data (e.g., read-only, read-write). Implement OAuth 2.0 Authentication: In your app, implement the OAuth 2.0 authentication flow. This involves redirecting users to Xero for authorization and handling the callback to obtain an access token. Use Xero API Endpoints: Once authenticated, your app can make requests to Xero API endpoints to interact with the user’s Xero data. Xero APIs cover various functionalities, such as accounting, invoices, contacts, etc. Handle Callbacks and Refresh Tokens: Implement logic to handle OAuth callbacks and store refresh tokens securely. Refresh tokens are used to obtain new access tokens when the current ones expire. Test Your App: Use the Xero Developer Portal to test your app in a sandbox environment. Xero provides a sandbox organization where you can simulate various scenarios without affecting real Xero data. Submit for Approval: Before your app can be used by others, you may need to submit it for approval by Xero. This involves a review of your app to ensure it complies with Xero’s terms and policies. Go Live: Once your app is approved, you can make it live. Users can then connect your app to their Xero accounts and start using it in a production environment. Maintain and Update: Regularly check for updates from Xero and update your app accordingly. Xero may release new API versions or introduce changes that could impact your app. Remember to refer to the official Xero API documentation for detailed information on endpoints, request/response formats, and best practices. Additionally, Xero provides SDKs in various programming languages that can simplify the integration process.