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The theme with Zero-Code is gaining more and more popularity. Among the main promises is the ability to quickly “enter IT”, start earning a lot, and all this without having to spend several months learning and practicing basic markup and programming languages. The direction is popularized by bloggers and some educational portals. But does it really have such serious advantages over standard web development, where knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP is required? What are the pitfalls of this direction? Let’s try to figure it out next.

What is Zero Code

Zero-Code, also known as No-Code, Low-Code, is a concept according to which functional sites can be created without writing code or by limiting its writing to a minimum. To develop the site, advanced constructors with custom blocks and templates, like Tilda and the like, are used. With the help of built-in and additional plugins, you can create not only static pages, but implement advanced functionality, load data from third-party servers, make pages connected and dynamic.

However, Zero-Code is not a new trend in IT. The first website builders appeared back in the early 00s, but their functionality was very limited and only allowed creating template one-page websites. Over time, they improved and allowed the creation of already multi-page sites and online stores, albeit with some restrictions.

Now the topic of zero-coding is actively advertised by bloggers and major educational platforms as an easy start to an IT career. In terms of available functionality, no-code platforms have also taken a step forward. Now you can connect databases to them, make almost any design, and even integrate ready-made solutions with other website builders in order to use all the features of the sphere to the maximum.

What does a zero encoder do?

Creation of sites, programs, various extensions in special visual editors. Usually, no code is required in this case, since the whole process takes place in a visual interface. Although there are zero-coders who sometimes still write code, since some tasks still cannot be implemented without using it.

Here is what is realistic to implement with the help of zero-coding:

  • A site, including a multi-page one and even with the possibility of registering a profile on it;
  • Online store;
  • Simple game;
  • Mobile app;
  • Chat bot;
  • Plugins for a ready-made site;
  • Distribution by mail, social networks and instant messengers.

The field of zero-coding is actively developing, so new opportunities and directions will gradually open up for developers.

What you need to be able to zero-coder

It does not require special technical skills. The main thing is to study in detail the capabilities, interface and logic of the tools with which you will interact. It usually takes no more than a couple of months. It is not necessary to have a technical mindset, to have an ability for mathematics, although this will be a small advantage.

Here are the skills and competencies that are required for a successful zero-coder career:

  1. Ability to work with several popular constructors and low-code tools. Moreover, you should perfectly know all the features, capabilities, and understand the interface of the tools. On the one hand, developers are constantly trying to simplify interaction with designers, but on the other hand, they are constantly adding new features there.
  2. Understanding the basics of website building. Yes, you don’t have to write code, but you should understand how different types of sites work. Otherwise, you are unlikely to be able to do anything worthwhile.
  3. Basics of HTML/CSS. Yes, you are unlikely to write code, but at least at a basic level, it is desirable for you to know the main markup languages. The constructor can crookedly generate some element. Knowing HTML / CSS, you will be able to edit the code a little, correcting the inaccuracy.
  4. Good visual taste. You will have to work with the visual and therefore, in order to be competitive, you need to learn how to make beautiful and understandable sites.

How much does a zero coder get

If you work as a freelancer, then your income ceiling is theoretically unlimited – you can reach a few “rich” clients or take on a quantity. True, your income will still be less than even a novice web developer doing the same amount of work. On freelance, it is quite possible for a no-coder to earn $ 250 – 500, while not particularly straining and working out a working day for 6-8 hours. If you are lucky with clients (or their number), you can get much larger amounts.

Benefits of zero coding

Know-coding is really a promising direction for those who just want to start working in IT. It has these advantages:

  • Low entry threshold. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. It’s easier for you to learn everything you need to work, but this rule applies to other people, which greatly increases the competition at the initial stage.
  • It is not necessary to know how to code. Often an obstacle to the transition to IT is a person’s lack of confidence in the ability to understand and write code. Zero-coding removes such doubts.
  • High development speed. Since you do not need to write and debug code, and you see all the changes in real time, this speeds up the development process. True, this is not always the case. Some operations, such as working with the back-end, are easier and faster to perform using code.
  • You can take quantity, not quality. Simple sites on Zero-code tools are made very quickly, especially if you master these tools to perfection. This is quite realistic, since small and medium-sized businesses often require the same type of sites, which are very easy to make on designers.
  • No need to think about technical support. Platforms often provide it for free. The maximum that is required of you is to make some cosmetic changes to the site if the customer asks for it.

Disadvantages of Zero Coding

Above, the advantages of using constructors when developing sites for a web developer were discussed. However, this direction has tangible disadvantages, especially at the initial stage:

  • High competition. The low entry threshold, the popularization of zero-coding in the media, a large number of people who want to quickly “enter IT” create huge competition. It will be especially difficult at the initial stages, when you do not yet have a clear portfolio and reviews – you will have to compete with thousands of people like you.
  • Not everything can be implemented on the constructor. Some of the possibilities on such platforms are limited and you will have to either try to find another no-code alternative and try to link them, or make them with code.
  • Questionable career prospects. This job can be a great start to an IT career, but it’s not possible to grow much in the field of zero-coding now. Maybe the situation will change in the future. If you want to fully work in the field of web development, you will have to master programming languages.

Situation with conventional development

Here everything is according to the classical scheme: you master the theory, the necessary markup languages, gain practice and start working on projects. Unlike zero-coding, you will have to study for a long time – about 6 months, provided that you devote at least 3 hours a day and 5 days a week to training. You will also have to constantly learn, as something new is constantly appearing in web development: a new version of page layout, updates to markup languages and third-party tools, the emergence of new concepts, and so on.

Web developers still prefer to work with code rather than constructors. Beyond just a no-code bias, they have pretty solid reasons why regular web development is better.

What does a web developer do

In addition to the fact that he is able to cope with the tasks assigned to no-coders without any problems, they have separate areas that are not available for working on constructors:

  • Implementation of sites with an unusual design. Although designers like Tilda allow you to embody many different design ideas, they still work according to certain patterns. Some ideas with their functionality cannot be implemented using these templates. In this case, it remains only to solve the problem using layout, since it does not impose serious restrictions.
  • Connection of non-standard functionality. Although the builders provide many different plugins for implementing additional features on sites, they cannot always be configured as needed, plus, they may conflict with other tools. The solution to this problem is either serious editing of the plugin code, or writing the necessary functionality yourself.
  • Creation of complex projects. We are talking here about those that require the deployment of a serious infrastructure that the designers are not able to provide. For example, it is technically possible to create a social network on the constructor, but it will not be able to function correctly on it, since there is no prepared infrastructure for it.

By the way, the sphere of conventional coding is developing more actively than zero.

What a web developer needs to know

Depends on what area you want to delve into. The most basic set is a bunch of HTML, CSS, JavaScript. And you need to know them at a high level. Get further knowledge depending on the area in which you want to work. For example, a front-end developer will have to learn in-depth tools for working with the interface – React, Angular and the like. The backender will need to know server languages – PHP, MySQL, Python, as well as be able to work with databases.

Studying at least the initial level, without deepening into areas of activity, will take about 6 months. These skills will be enough to become a beginner web developer and look for a job with a good salary. Deepening into a specific field of activity can take from 3 months, depending on how much you plan to deepen, whether you will study related areas, and so on.

How much does a web developer get

In terms of work and earnings, a developer who has mastered at least basic coding already has more choice. You can both work in the state and freelance – there are enough offers everywhere, and the competition is not so big. On average, a novice web developer can count on an income of $700-850. This is the starting point for million-plus cities. Over time, income will increase.

A web developer with an experience of 3 years or more can already apply for vacancies with a salary of more than $ 1500 or receive the same amount by doing freelance projects.

Also, a good web developer can find a job for a foreign company or collaborate with foreign customers on freelance. No-coder is unlikely to be hired by a foreign company, and there is huge competition in international freelance sites in this area.

Benefits of web coding

They are as follows:

  • Less competition. This is true for those who have devoted a lot of time to learning and gaining experience. The more knowledge and experience you have; the fewer people will be able to compete with you. In the case of Zero-code, the only serious competitive advantage can only be the number of completed projects and reviews.
  • Higher income. Even a novice web developer will earn about the same as a nocoder with several years of experience.
  • Opportunity to participate in interesting projects. Over time, any person will get tired of making the same type of sites on designers, even if they pay well for them.
  • Excellent career opportunities. It is enough for you to accumulate a little experience, gain additional skills and it will already be possible to apply for a promotion. It is also easier for web developers to move abroad or work in the international market.

Disadvantages of web coding

The disadvantages include the following:

  • Serious barrier to entry. If it is quite possible to master no-code in a month, while not particularly straining, then this is not at all the case with web development. It will take you at least 5-6 months to master the minimum base for work, and this is provided that you practice for several hours almost every day.
  • Slow development speed. You will not be able to simply “throw” the site in the constructor and launch it into production. You will have to code each block, make sure that they interact correctly with each other, display normally when the screen resolution changes.
  • The need to constantly learn. Even if you have no desire to build a career and you are quite satisfied with the salary of a novice developer, you will occasionally have to update your knowledge following trends. For nookoder the need for this is minimal.


It would be a good idea for a novice developer to learn no-code first. Yes, you can’t build special career peaks in this area, but this is a good chance to start an IT career. So you can see if this area suits you at all. Nobody bothers to learn coding later and improve your skills, and if you have experience in developing websites on constructors, then it will be easier for you to master the theory.

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