When utilizing Laravel Eloquent, there are a few methods you may reduce memory use: Chunk technique handle huge datasets by breaking them up into smaller chunks using the chunk technique, which eliminates the need to load the entire dataset into memory at once. Use subqueries to divide complicated inquiries into more digestible chunks, use subqueries. This can lessen the query’s total memory footprint and facilitate debugging. By enabling you to carry out certain actions directly on the database server, subqueries can help you avoid loading big datasets into memory. Use lazy loading to delay loading particular relationships until they are required. The quantity of data that is placed into memory all at once may be lessened as a result. Eger loading is to select which relationships to load alongside the main model. As a result, fewer queries may be required to load all of the data, which might help your application use less RAM overall. Caching reduced the amount of database queries required to load data, caching can help your application use less memory overall. Use select instead of get: You may use the select method to indicate the precise columns you want to obtain from the results if you don’t require all of the results’ columns. The query may utilize less memory as a result of this. Use indexes: When working with enormous datasets, adding indexes to your database tables can help your queries run more quickly. Utilize the withCount method: Without actually loading the associated records into memory, the withCount method enables you to count the number of linked records for a particular model. When you simply need to know the number of connected records, rather than the records themselves, this can be helpful. Use scopes to construct reusable sets of restrictions that can be applied to a query. Laravel’s scopes make this possible. This can facilitate code simplification and enhance query performance. Use raw expressions: Instead of utilizing the Eloquent ORM, raw expressions let you include raw SQL in your queries. When using a more complicated or specific query that the ORM does not handle, this might be helpful. Use the explain function to examine how well your searches are performing by displaying the database’s current query plan. You may use this to find any places where you can improve your query performance. Use pagination: You may use the paginate technique to load the results in smaller batches if you are showing the results of the query on a paginated page. This may aid in lowering the query’s total memory use. Improve your database structure: If you are having memory problems as a result of the size of your database tables, you might want to think about improving your schema to limit the amount of information that the query returns. This might involve actions like denormalizing data, employing smaller data types, and indexing columns. A server’s memory must be sufficient to satisfy the demands of an application. It could be required to update your server or switch to a more capable hosting service if your application constantly runs out of memory. It’s also crucial to keep in mind that your application’s specific memory use will rely on the intricacy of your queries and the volume of data being processed. It’s a good idea to profile your application and find any places where you can improve your queries or data processing in order to reduce the memory use of your application. Finally, you can utilize the Laravel Debugbar package to obtain a thorough analysis of the memory utilization of your application and spot any potential trouble spots. Post navigation Lazy loading vs eager loading in laravel How to use subqueries in laravel 9